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Auxiliary Shared Services

Serving the more than 800-member auxiliary community and its numerous facilities, the auxiliary administration operates a robust set of shared services. Auxiliary IT provides technology and systems support, a dedicated accounting staff manages budgeting and finance duties, embedded HR representatives streamline personnel processes, and a central marketing team works collaboratively across all departments. For facilities maintenance, a team of plumbers, electricians and other infrastructure specialists are on staff. This shared services model is cost-effective and affords speedy, quality service within the auxiliaries.

Auxiliary IT

Auxiliary IT analyzes current business practices and researches how auxiliary service departments can improve and become more efficient. We also own and manage a virtual environment hosting around 20 servers to help meet the needs of auxiliary services. Staying up to date on the latest trends, we seek to keep our systems cutting-edge while maintaining security. Our combined range of skills allows us to be an asset to not just auxiliary services, but to the University of Utah as a whole.

Jennifer Reed

Director, Auxiliary Services

Jesse Booth

Sr. Business Systems Analyst

Jim Innes

Associate Director IT

Human Resources

Auxiliary HR coordinates with the university's central HR office to provide a suite of services to make hiring and managing employee's simpler and more efficient. Services include writing and posting jobs, processing new hire information, ePAF processing, employee information changes and much more. Andy Rodgers acts as the first point of contact for HR services and questions and coordinates with central HR on behalf of all of the Auxiliary Departments while Mikhale Carter provides support for employee relations and performance management. Jonathon Exton provides strategic leadership and HR consultative services to university leadership.

Jonathn Exton

Human Resources Associate Director

Andy Rodgers

Human Resources Analyst

Mikhale Carter

Human Resources Specialist

Auxiliary Marketing

Our team leads marketing, communications and PR efforts for the university’s ten auxiliary departments. We create digital and traditional advertising content for these departments, host and manage events and oversee their websites and social media channels.

Our team was built with combining our experience and expertise in mind. We are able to support each other with photography, video editing, graphic design, copywriting, research and more, all within the walls of our office. This allows us to be extremely efficient and turn marketing assets and projects faster than taking an outsourcing approach.


All of our departments are standing by to help you accomplish your goals. Contact us today to get started on your next project.